Public Comment Form

TOC Facility No 01 176 Prospective Purchaser Consent Decree

Ecology negotiated a legal agreement called a Prospective Purchaser Consent Decree (PPCD) with Mr. Steven Cho (Owner), the Potentially Liable Person (PLP) for the TOC Facility No 01 176 cleanup site (Site). The Owner recently purchased the approximately 1.16-acre property in a Mountlake Terrace commercial-residential area. The Site encompasses portions of three contiguous parcels of property at 24205 56th Avenue West (Source Property), 24225 56th Avenue West (Adjoining Property), and 24309 56th Avenue (Drake Parcel) plus a portion of the 54th Avenue West right-of-way.


Time Oil operated a retail gasoline service station on the Source Property from 1968 to 1990. In 1991, the underground storage tanks, fuel dispensers, and associated product lines were decommissioned by removal during closure of the service station.

The Prospective Purchaser intends to purchase, cleanup, and redevelop the Source Property and the Adjoining Property.  Ecology is negotiating a legal agreement called a Prospective Purchaser Consent Decree (PPCD) with JYK Holdings, LLC (Prospective Purchaser), for the TOC Facility No. 01 176 cleanup (Site).

Ecology wants your input

Prospective Purchaser Consent Decree is a legal agreement that directs the Prospective Purchaser to implement an Ecology-approved cleanup action for the Site once they have completed the purchase. 


Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study describes the contamination at the Site, evaluates cleanup action alternatives for the Site, and selects a preferred alternative.


Cleanup Action Plan describes the cleanup action selected for the Site, which includes:


•                Rehabilitation and expansion of the existing multi-phase extraction (MPE) remediation system on the Site

•                Operation of the MPE system for three years to treat residual groundwater contamination

•                Collection of soil and groundwater performance and confirmation samples

•                Capping or covering residual contaminated soil at the Site, if necessary

•                Implementing institutional controls under an environmental covenant, if necessary

•                Providing engineered vapor intrusion mitigation at the Site, if necessary.


Public Participation Plan describes how Ecology will inform the community about Site activities and ways to become involved.

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Your Comment

Comments are due by February 21, 2025 at 11:59 P.M.

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To submit comments for a group please visit our Commenting Tips webpage.

Next Steps: After the close of the comment period, Ecology will review and consider all comments received as we finalize the documents and respond accordingly.

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