Public Comment Form

Commenting open: June 03, 2024 12:00AM PT - July 19, 2024 11:59PM PT.

Integrated Disposal Facility - Agency Initiated Permit Modification

Ecology is holding a 45 day public comment period regarding the proposed change to the Hanford Facility Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Permit, Revision 8C.

This permit modification will update and modify the following IDF Permit files of the final Class 3 Permit Modification 8C.2023.1F in accordance with the settlement agreement: Unit-Specific Permit Conditions, Addendum F (Preparedness and Prevention), Addendum I (Inspection Plan), and Addendum J (Contingency Plan).

Please note that this comment form is for the purpose of submitting a comment to the Washington State Department of Ecology. Commenter contact information is optional. Contact information is necessary if you want to receive future notices or responses related to this topic.

Contact Information

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Last Name






Your Comment

Comments must be submitted by July 19, 2024.

To make a comment, please enter comment(s) in the text area. To submit attachments use the "upload a file" button below. Then hit 'Continue' to review your comment(s).

Next steps: After the close of the comment period, Ecology will make a final decision on the modification and issue an associated Response to Comments document. The Response to Comments document will contain all submitted comments and Ecology's responses. The Response to Comments document will be hosted on the Nuclear Waste Program Public Comment Period page.

Any information (e.g., personal or contact) you provide on this comment form or in an attachment may be publicly disclosed and posted on the Internet.

*Uploading a file is optional*

You may attach up to five 20 MB files to accompany your submission. Allowed formats are pdf, jpg, jpeg, png, txt, gif, doc, docx, xlsx, xls. If you experience technical difficulties submitting your comment please contact the person listed at the bottom of this page.

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